Looking for a better financial solution that gets your cashflow moving?
CALcash using Digital Delivery Certificates (DDC) - a game-changer in the invoice financing industry.
CALcash using digital delivery certificates providing your business with the ability to immediately free up cashflow, that's otherwise locked in outstanding invoices for 30, 60, 90 days or more!
Funding to boost your cashflow
Stay in control of your cashflow
Every solution is designed for you to stay in control of your cashflow
- at all times.
Tailored Interest Rate for your Business
A financial solution that's measured to match your needs with no strings attached
The right solution that fits your Business
Financing the is designed around your business needs no matter how fast you grow.
CALcash advantage
Get paid on delivery with a DDC.
CALCE has developed a digital document it calls the Digital Delivery Certificate (DDC). This is instantly generates at the point of delivery approval using the CALflow smart app or your businesses mobile deliver devise.
The DDC is a recognised delivery receipt on which the Acceptance Delivery Finance is offered (to approved suppliers).
So no more waiting days for payment, with CALcash it's done in minutes!
We see things differently.
We see technology delivering.
CALcash finance with DDC's
"it works for my business and it can work for yours too."
Belinda, SME Owner
CALcash benefits
CALcash allows you to maintain a strong relationship with your customers, as you can fulfill larger orders on time without worrying about cash flow and working capital problems.
The invoice financier can also take on the responsibility to look after your debtors ledger which means the business owner can have more time to focus on the business.
Credit checks using a bespoke credit filter algorithm will conduct due diligence on customers, which reduces the risk of not receiving funding.
CALcash has an option to be used on a confidential arrangement, which means your customers need not know that you’re using finance; this can help protect your reputation.
We see things differently.
We see technology delivering.
Delivery Tracked
Invoices Payment Simplified
Concrete Truck Success
CALCE Case Studies
CALCE and it's suite of innovative products can be applied to a wide and varied range of industries to deliver game-changing solutions that work.
Check out some of the case studies that show how we apply technology and services to deliver solutions.